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Guidelines for Paper Submission for Malaysia-Japan Visionaries Conference 2024 (MJVC 2024)

Accepted paper for MJVC 2024 will be published by Springer Nature as stand-alone proceedingsProceedings of the Malaysia-Japan Visionaries Conference 2024 – Integration and Innovation across Diverse Disciplines”. In general, the proceedings will be published in printed book, and in a full-text electronic version in digital library Springerlink

Instruction for authors

  • Please note that the proceedings welcome short paper submission; and the papers must be original, unpublished work and must be written in English.
  • Detailed guidelines for manuscript preparation can be found in the Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings section. 
  • Authors are kindly requested to use the provided MS Word template available on the Springer nature website. Please note that LaTeX submissions are not accepted for this conference. 
  • The MS Word template (splnproc1703.docm) is a macro-enabled Word document that allows authors to format accordingly. Please click HERE for a direct download of the template (zip file). 

Formatting requirements

Structure of the manuscript:

  • The recommended length of the short paper is approximately 6 pages (max. 10 pages), including references. Please use the template provided. As a guideline, each page constitutes 300 to 400 words, and a total word count of up to 2400 words (only main text) is considered acceptable. Each article allows up to 20 references.
  • Citations should be numbered in the text (e.g., [1], [2-5, 8], Watanabe [10]).
  • The manuscript should be in one-column format containing the following sections: Abstract, Experimental, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References. Results and discussion can be combined.
  • Abstract: Please utilize the same abstract submitted for oral and poster presentation in MJVC 2024. For non-presenter participant, kindly refers to the abstract template available on (or click HERE)
  • Title and Authors: We encourage the title length of not more than 15 words, if possible. Below the title, include authors’ names, institution, city, country (excluding street or any other address parts). 
  • Affiliations and Contact Information: Include affiliations and email addresses of ALL authors. Their email addresses will be used by Springer Nature to provide authors with a free copy of the eBook (See benefits). Clearly mark the corresponding author and their email, as all communication regarding the paper will be sent to them.
  • ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): Authors are encouraged to include their ORCID in superscripts next to their names (see template).
  • Equations in Word: Do not insert equations as graphic files. Use the Math function of Word 2003 or 2007, MathType, or Microsoft Equation Editor to create your equations.
  • Figures: Figures should be saved in JPG, TIFF, or PNG format, with a minimum resolution of 800 dpi. Ensure all elements of your figures are clear and legible.
  • References: Please refer to the MS Word template for the referencing style. We encourage authors to include DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) in your references.
  • Submission: Please submit your manuscript as a single Word file (with embedded figures) to the EquinOCS system, an online manuscript submission and review platform for conference proceedings powered by Springer Nature (refer to the EquinOCS section).

Publication Ethics

  • Plagiarism: Avoid plagiarism, and self-plagiarism by appropriately referencing your previously published work. Springer will check each paper using the plagiarism-checking tool, and papers may be rejected based on this check. The plagiarism screening will be done automatically in the EquinOCS system on EACH submission. 
  • Permission: Authors should obtain permission to use third-party materials by visiting the Rights Holder website or Copyright Clearance Center Marketplace. You may use Springer’s Permissions Request Form and/or Release Request Form whenever necessary. 
  • More information on the guidelines on publishing ethics, conflict-of-interest statements, and other related policies can be found here.

EquinOCS manuscript submission and review system

  • EquinOCS is an online system where all the papers submission and review for the conference Proceedings will be done here. 
  • Both authors and Technical Programme Committee (TPC) members are required to register an account to use the system. 
  • Please refer to this link for step-by-step guidelines of paper submission. 

Review Process

  • Each manuscript will be reviewed by two Technical Programme Committee (TPC) members assigned by the conference organizing committee. 
  • Peer-review model: we adopt single-blind review process, where reviewers’ identities are kept hidden from the authors.
  • The review process will take about 2 – 3 weeks prior to the decision. The feedback of the reviewers will determine whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected for the publication in the proceedings. 
  • The authors should revise the manuscript according to the feedback provided by the TPC reviewers. 
  • Accepted manuscripts should abide by the additional requirements and deadlines set by the publisher and organizing committee. 

Upon acceptance

  • Instructions for submitting the final version of accepted papers for the production of the Proceedings will be provided in due time.
  • The corresponding author will receive the “Contributor Agreement” and “Permission Request” form by the organizing committee. 
  • These forms should be scanned and submitted together with the final manuscript in PDF file.