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Presenter’s Guide

Presenters must decide whether to opt for an oral or poster presentation. The schedule of the poster and oral presentation sessions are as follows:

Presentation session Date Time
Parallel session 1: Poster presentation 15th September 2024 (Sun) 13:30 – 15:00
Parallel session 2: Oral presentation 15th September 2024 (Sun) 15:40 – 17:45

Poster presentation

  • This session is 1 hour and 30 minutes long, divided into two segments:

    13:30 – 14:15 for presenters with the last digit of their presenters ID as an odd number.
    eg. For presenters with ID PA001, PA003, PA005, the last digits are 1, 3 and 5 (odd numbers)

    (ii) 14:15 – 15:00 for presenters with the last digit of their presenters ID as an even number.
    E.g.  For presenters with ID PA002, PA004, PA006, the last digits are 2, 4 and 6 (even numbers)

    Presenters will have to be in front of their posters during this allocated 45-minute timeframe and explain to visitors. Presenters should adjust the length of their explanation sufficiently depending on the number of visitors.
  • When it is not your designated presentation slot, we encourage presenters to explore other posters.

  • Poster should be in A0 format, in portrait orientation, and includes necessary information such as presenter’s ID, author(s), affiliation(s), research title, and e-mail address. We encourage you to include your email address so that visitors interested in your poster can reach out to you, even when you are not available to explain.

  • Please prepare and bring your poster to the venue on the conference day. You may pin up your poster on the first day of the conference. We will provide further instructions on where to pin up your posters at a later date.

  • Your presentation will be evaluated by other participants and judges in the respective field. Two best poster awards will be given per field: the Best Judged Poster Award and the Participants’ Best Voted Poster Award.

Oral presentation

  • Each presenter will deliver a 15-minute presentation on their research, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session. Questions will be asked by the audience or the assigned moderators, who are individuals from the respective field.

  • A specified presentation time slot will be assigned to each oral presenter during parallel session 2. This will be announced at a later date.

  • Presenters are required to submit their presentation slides in PowerPoint format no later than August 30, 2024. Please submit your presentation slides here.

  • The first page of your presentation slide should include necessary information such as your presenters ID, full name, affiliation and presentation title. 

  • You do not need to bring your own laptop on the day of the presentation. 

  • Please refrain from modifying your presentation slides after the submission deadline. If changes are necessary, please contact us as soon as possible.

  • Your presentation will be evaluated by other participants and the moderators. Two best oral presentation awards will be given per field: the Best Judged Oral Presentation Award and the Participants’ Best Voted Oral Presentation Award

For further inquiries regarding  poster and oral presentation, please e-mail the MJVC program manager team at [email protected]

Last updated : Friday, Jun 14, 2024 11:13